Monday, November 30, 2009

My photographic eye

My photographs as look upon the wet leafy ground on campus!!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Free Post

Love...what is it? I mean what does the term really mean? How many ways can the term be viewed, interpreted, said? I mean the term can stand for so much, what will the term mean to you? I have a HUGE problem with this term, because so many people say the word, but in reality have no clue what it means. As for married who supposedly fall out of love, I mean is it possible to fall out of love with anyone......? It makes me feel like love has a time limit. For someone to fall in love, then to fall out of love, I mean is there such thing as love???? In my point of view, love can be said a lot of can be in love with someone, you can have love for someone, etc. As for the meaning of the term I'm still trying to figure out the meaning. I feel as though the real meaning of love comes from when a person finds the person they feel as though is everything they have ever wanted in a companion. Love will come, don't go looking for it. Just let it come to you as if it were the wind. Let Love be, don't let it flee. Love will come to thee!!!!!!!

Free Post

One word: COLLEGE
I can safely say that as a child you are encouraged to go to college. I can also safely say that whomever encouraged you to go to college said that attending college gives you new experiences and that you had to go to reach a better place in life. I can say, first hand, that college is a new step in life. College gives you the sense of adulthood. It also makes you realize the reality of the life you want to achieve. In going to college, make sure you have an idea of what being a college student means. I can say from personal experiences that when I was coming into college, I knew I didn't want to be there. A reason I cannot state, but in reality knew it wasn't what I was ready for. But I still enrolled with the pressure of my family, with a positive attitude. I'm a sophomore now, and my new statement is....College has it's days. More hard than easy, but as a student you have to my the best of it.
Ending statement:
Positivity is the key throughout the college year, and make the best of it.......I mean it is COLLEGE!!!!

Free Post

RELATIONSHIPS,.....which can mean any type you can imagine, relationships are difficult. Relationships whether it's between family members, a couple, businesses, etc. can be the best or worst thing ever. A relationship between a couple is the main focus of this post. I can say, from experience, that relationships are so difficult to keep right as well as healthy. I feel as though the people in the relationships should put in an equal amount of effort to make the relationship work. Too many relationships these days aren't working out because of the amount of effort is not enough to keep it going. I feel like if you want to be in a relationship why wouldn't you put in the time and energy to keep it healthy. Relationships tend to get hard when the two people start to see different levels of where they want to be in the relationship. I think relationships have to be dealt with with caution as well as care. Relationships can be the best ever if you and your companion see eye to eye in every aspect of the relationship, if not the relationship can end up with sad faces and emotions.

Free Post


Breanna "BANANA" Smith

My twin!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally love her. I definitely see her as my other half. I would NOT know what to do without her. I mean if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here in college....she made me come. My BANANA does so much for me, if you knew the half you would know how much i truly love my twin. NOOOOOOOO, we are fraternal.....for the last time. I mean so many people ask if we're identical when they first meet us and we're like....uhhh helloooooo, do we look identical!!! golly gee people, use your brains. Banana is my TWIN , I l love her to death. I mean we're so close that when she's thinking something, I'd said it.....only because I'm the crazy one out of us. But all in all, That's my sister, TWIN, friend, best friend and other half. I love that FRUIT!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This music video is a true work of art

http:// This music video is a work of art beacuse it speaks the truth. This video, Gallery, talks about how a female is a priceless work of art and how a man should cherish his woman and how he sees her as this beautiful piece of art. The video just gives you the vision of the what you are hearing from the song. GREAT SONG, AND VIDEO..........LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Public Art

Public Art is something that can be cherished for centuries to come. I feel like public art is THE most talked art there is. It is art that everyone can see and judge and even comment on. In simple terms, public art is any work of art or design that is created by an artist specifically to be sited in a public space. It can tower several stories high, or it can call attention to the pavement beneath your feet. It can be cast, carved, built, assembled or painted. Whatever its form, public art attracts attention. By its presence alone public art can heighten our awareness, question our assumptions, transform a landscape, or express community values, and for these reasons it can have the power, over time to transform a city’s image.

Poetry Slam

Name breaking
You broke my heart,
so I’ll break your name!
I'll drag it through muck
then stomp it in the flame
of my rage
(You stupid fuck!)
You loved me not
but used me plenty
showed me your dick
then charged twenty bucks!
(You stupid fuck!)
then showed me the door
Is that what you think women are for?
(You stupid fuck!)
This poem has to be THE worst poem ever created, thought of, invented, I mean it is just horrible. I mean I guess the poet thought by using explicit language it was going to make the poem sound better, but in didn't fit. I mean, (You stupid f***) that is just unnecessary. I get the entire poem of the woman who felt she's going to bash the man's name.....but HELLO!!!!!!! She didn't mention his name AT ALL. She just bashed what he did to her. I mean really?? COME ON POETS......YOU GOTTA COME BETTER THAN THAT WHEN CREATING POETRY!!!!! TAHNK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Human behavior

This picture represents human behavior. It shows how sooooo many people can come together for an event to show support for others. In this picture, you can see that people have come together for a play or some sort of show. When a group of people come together is shows human behavior. Whether they are coming together for church, a wedding, or a talent show. The values, emotions, attitudes towards a certain something is when human behavior comes into play.

Human nature

This represents human nature because it portrays how innocent we, as people, are presumed to be when we are born. We are born into the world without a care in the world. We, as people, have certain things that are instilled within us. For example, we are all born with the ability to differ from right and wrong. It is a person's choice to choose from doing what is right and wrong. Once that decision is made, and the situation is goes downhill, a person feels another feeling that is instilled in us, guilt. It starts from when you are's human nature.

Human condition

This picture represents the human condition. It gives off a sense of pain within the piece. So many question run through a person's mind when looking at this piece. Why does this female have tears in her eyes? Why does it seem like she's praying, in a sense? What has made her feel sad enough to shed tears? I think this piece of art is a perfect example of human condition because of sadness you can question within it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Why I believe this film is a work of art

This Film, THE NOTEBOOK, is a true art piece, because of how it depicts love but also how people fight for it. The first time I saw this movie, the only thing that ran through my mind was, "awwwwwwwww love, I CANNOT wait until I find love!" I thought this film was put together very well. I especially loved it. It was taken place in the time era I would have loved to be born in. I thought the love relatinship between Alley and Noah was a relationship people could relate to. I know I could. This film portrayed the love, the relationships, the time era, and many of other a way that if i had and "artist's eye" you could depict from other films.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Art on You Tube I


ART ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This artist creates her artwork by telling a story. This piece let alone was told while she created it. I think she's an amazing artist. I definitley like the painting she created and look forward to seeing more of her works.

Artist in society

Artists in society, depending on what type of art they create, are judged!!!!! Personally, I look down upon people who judge others! I mean who in their right has the right to judge someone else. I mean, come on people.......would you want someone judging you because of your occupation???? I don't think so. On to artists in society......I applaud artists these days just because they create their artwork without the thought of others in their minds. I say to artists in the world today, create your art for you, not anyone else. As for graffiti artist, just make sure you aren't defacing public property, unless you are asked to. I think artists in society today, can do whatever they want. They can make art out of the basics in the world these days. As seen in the picture displayed, these artists used this females body to portray their artwork. Art can be displayed in any way, shape, or form. So keep up the great artistic work, artists.

Art and Film

Art and Film go hand in hand. I think there's a difference between, but at the same time i feel as though they are the same. First, the term ART. The term art stands for so much in the world today. The term I think mainly stands for the freedom to express one's self through any way that person sees fit. I say embrace the art within you.....draw, write, dance, or speak your way through life. I mean in the end isn't art the way anyone does anything. As a person, I feel as though speaking is the main way to express yourself, so speak your mind. "Say what you mean and mean what you say." The second term being Film is something that has changed over the years. Today many people say that films are movies, but in my point of view.....I feel as though FILM refers to the history in how far film making has come. The term MOVIE refers to the new age of movie making. I think FILM IS ART....well at least a type of art. The terms together is better than separating them as if they are in their own category. Art is film, Film is art.....Recognize it.

I'm having a catharsis

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Human struggle

Human struggle is still around until this day. This picture is significant because of how it depicts the different colors of hands coming together for a better life. If people these days could get past all of the hate in the world, this picture could actually come true.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What art is.....

I know what art is what you do to express yourself in any manner you see fit. As for me, I AM ART!!!! I express myself through various ways. The number one way is I dance through my frustrations. If I'm not able to dance, then the only other option is to speak my mind, in a way I feel will be heard. By dancing I feel as though I can exprees whatever I'm going through. Whether I'm having a good day or stressed out about classes. Dancing givee me that sense of relief. In a given time, I'm not alloted to dance, I speak what is on my mind. I speak my mind, as best as I can.....and sometimes out of frustration I tend to posses an attitude. And in that case, no one knows how and what will come out my mouth. All I can say is do not take what I say to heart, if I have an attitude when saying it. I am art because I tend to do whatever I want and in any I want.......and could care less on people's opinion on me. All I can say is, BECOME YOUR OWN PERSON!!!!!!!!

LOVE, LIVE, DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Falling Water, is one of my favorite pieces of architecture!!!!! I love how it is made into the environment. It is one of the most talked about pieces of architecture today. This piece of architecture is so famous that it was recreated on a cake competition on the food network channel...........and WON!!!!!! The piece of architecture took my breathe away the first time I saw it. I remember the first thought that crossed my mind...."I would totally live there." That was until I thought about nature and I and how the two of us don't mix, but still it is a beautiful feature. I would not mind going on tour around it. This piece of art definitely speaks to anyone who has an open mind. I think it is crazy how someone can think of designing and constructing a breathe taking structure....I applaud anyone has the ability to do that. KUDOS TO FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT!!!!!!!

Favorite Artist

My favorite artist is, with hands down, Jackson Pollock!!!! Even though I just found out about him, I can say that I've been trying to do some art pieces like he has done! He's awesome! I like the way his art portrays what he's feeling. I know many might say they don't get his works of art, but if you sit back and study what his art, you would start to understand him. I think I like him so much because I've always wanted to just slap some paint around on a canvas and it be considered art. Like how many can say that? I think by him using this technique it allows us to think about what was going through his head when he created his artwork. I think of Pollock as the artist who can do whatever he wants.....if he can throw a couple of colors on a canvas and it be called art, then I mean what else is there to do!!!!

Art Education

Art Education in schools............KEEP IT!!!! Art education is something that should be kept in schools, for the simple fact.......some people aspire to be an artist or something that has to do with the art world. I know when I was younger, I wanted to be an architect, because I wanted to design my own when I got to middle school I started taking art classes and continued taking them throughout my high school career. I just think through art you are allowed to express yourself to the matter how you express yourself whether it is through drawing, painting, dancing, writing, it. In school, art education should be a considered a core class. I mean why only have it as an elective, I think art education is something every student should take to learn about the way of art, the reason art is art, what are the types of arts, what is considered to be art, etc.... keep art in the schools. Recently, some schools across the globe are cutting out art classes as well as music classes because they cannot afford the costs of it. Like I think that is the most bizarre thing in the entire world......maybe that is the reason why the generations to come will not be able to do anything but sit at the computer or play video games. Keep art, if not children as we know them won't know what to do with a pencil let alone a marker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

9r@Ff!+! (GRAFFITI)

On the Graffiti beat........can it be considered to be art? I think it depends on what it is and where it is located. Graffiti is art in its own way..... I think graffiti is art because it shows how the artist depicts a certain event within their life. The artist, as a matter of fact, any artist has the right to express themselves through any type of art they feel expresses them the most. As a graffiti artist, these terms are limited to certain extent. A graffiti artist has to make sure they do their work in appropriate places, places where they are not going to get in trouble for doing their work. All in all, I think graffiti can be considered art. After all, it IS art right..... Graffiti takes on a new meaning of artistic expression. I think the problem with people accepting graffiti artist and their work is the way the artist portarys his art and where they portray it. I think if graffiti artists found new places to put their artwork, I feel as though they would be accepted into the art world fully. If you were a graffiti artist, where would you put your artwork? what would your artwork be?.........


My right side of my brain is the side of the brain I would say I use a little LESS than my left side. When I was younger I always thought with the right side of my brain. I always drawing on walls, dancing around the house, coloring in the coloring name it I did it. I think as child you are encouraged to be creative, that the child tends to forget the logic behind doing certain things. I feel as though as you go through life, you learn from your mistakes and therefore makes a person put logic behind their reason in doing something or not. In my life, I have INDEED learned from mistakes and I think that with putting reasoning and logic into the situation, it makes you think about situation in an entire different light. My right side of the brain is still in use and in certain situations takes over......, but somewhere waiting in the mist is the left side of my brain awaiting the time where it can put its logic into a situation. My left brain, I can honestly say, has gotten me out of certain situations that would have turned out to be bad in the end. I think that is why I feel like using the left side is not bad at all. Maybe left side is better???? Psych.......THE RIGHT BRAIN RULES!!!!!!!!!


Fashion as art......many may say, how can that be? In some cases, people look at a fashion trend, and the question that runs across their minds, "How is that fashion?" Well fashion to one may not be fashion to be another. In a fashion designer's eyes fashion is how you interpret it. Everyone has their own fashion sense and it all goes back to how you see fashion in your own way. If someone was to ask Calvin Klein, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, or Ralph Lauren they would have different answers, because they have different styles and tastes in the fashion world. FASHION is art, it can be expressed through many ways... It can be expressed through the fabric, how it is put together, etc. When I think of fashion I think what is the hottest thing that everyone wants. Other times I think of fashion runways shows, and think, "Wow, where would anyone wear that to?" I mean fashion is what it No matter how it looks or when you wear it, fashion will always be around, it will always change, and it will forever be interpreted in its own way. So next time you see a "fashion statement," just think of it as if that person is was expressing themselves through their artist ways of clothing. FASHION IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


My Diorama was on Divorce. The number one reason being I come from a divorced home and I wanted to voice my opinion on it. I am and will always be against divorce. Research states that America has a divorce rate of 50%, being the highest overall. In gender, women having a higher percentage rate then men. What ever happened to, "Until death do we part?" or just the simple,"I do?"

A diorama that taught me something I didn't know was the diorama on the children being killed in Nigeria because they believed in witchcraft. I just amazed me when I heard that people are still doing those types of things now. A diorama that was very creative was the diorama on cultural expression by Amy Smooch. A diorama that made me think more deeply about was the diorama about the doctor's giving the prescription drugs to people without checking a patient to see if they really needed it. The diorama i opposed was the one about the dogfights, and how it was Mike Vick's fault. I also chose this diorama as the diorama I oppose the opinion of the artist, but I can see where he was coming from. The artist I chose that made a diorama that was relly bold was Amy Smooch. The reason being I think people would have opinions of all types, negative or positive.

In doing this diorama, it felt like I could actually state how I felt about this certain subject without any comments or interjections from anyone else. It's also something I deal with everyday since I come from a divorced home. In watching other people comment on the issue I chose and having them look at what and how I created my issue felt okay with me. I like to hear comments and see how someone else viewed my issue. In the creating process, it was very fun. I actually lost time when I was working on it, but at the same time it brought back some memories of my life.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dance is truly a form of art. Dancing is a way expressing how you might be feeling at that point and time. From my experience, I dance for many reasons. My biggest reason for dancing is relieve stress. Dancing gives me that feeling that nothing else in the world matters. There are many reasons on why dance can be considered art. People from all over dance. Whether people dance because it is their passion or if it is apart of their culture, or even if it is what they feel like doing at that time, dance is done globally. It interests me to see how different cultures portray dance movements. For examlpe, belly dancing is common in middle eastern countries. In India, Bollywood dancing is the way the people from that country dance. Bollywood dancing is becoming very popular here in the United States. By me stating this sentence it only lets you know how wide dance is becoming. So Dance, express yourself, it's art.......which makes you an artist.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Bonjour! I'm Deanna, or as everyone else calls me, Dee or Barbie. In my eyes I'm freaking awesome. I'm 19, turning 20 on October 20th.......awesome right??!! So I'm one of six, which are all females, and within that six, it's my twin and I. My second year at UWG, it's growing on me. I have select friends, all of which i can count one hand. haha. I wish to major in Dance, which is my PASSION, in the future, but for's early childhood education. I like children.......sometimes. =) I love food!!!!! It's my second passion. That's about it....for now at least.