Sunday, November 8, 2009

Favorite Artist

My favorite artist is, with hands down, Jackson Pollock!!!! Even though I just found out about him, I can say that I've been trying to do some art pieces like he has done! He's awesome! I like the way his art portrays what he's feeling. I know many might say they don't get his works of art, but if you sit back and study what his art, you would start to understand him. I think I like him so much because I've always wanted to just slap some paint around on a canvas and it be considered art. Like how many can say that? I think by him using this technique it allows us to think about what was going through his head when he created his artwork. I think of Pollock as the artist who can do whatever he wants.....if he can throw a couple of colors on a canvas and it be called art, then I mean what else is there to do!!!!

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