Thursday, September 3, 2009


My Diorama was on Divorce. The number one reason being I come from a divorced home and I wanted to voice my opinion on it. I am and will always be against divorce. Research states that America has a divorce rate of 50%, being the highest overall. In gender, women having a higher percentage rate then men. What ever happened to, "Until death do we part?" or just the simple,"I do?"

A diorama that taught me something I didn't know was the diorama on the children being killed in Nigeria because they believed in witchcraft. I just amazed me when I heard that people are still doing those types of things now. A diorama that was very creative was the diorama on cultural expression by Amy Smooch. A diorama that made me think more deeply about was the diorama about the doctor's giving the prescription drugs to people without checking a patient to see if they really needed it. The diorama i opposed was the one about the dogfights, and how it was Mike Vick's fault. I also chose this diorama as the diorama I oppose the opinion of the artist, but I can see where he was coming from. The artist I chose that made a diorama that was relly bold was Amy Smooch. The reason being I think people would have opinions of all types, negative or positive.

In doing this diorama, it felt like I could actually state how I felt about this certain subject without any comments or interjections from anyone else. It's also something I deal with everyday since I come from a divorced home. In watching other people comment on the issue I chose and having them look at what and how I created my issue felt okay with me. I like to hear comments and see how someone else viewed my issue. In the creating process, it was very fun. I actually lost time when I was working on it, but at the same time it brought back some memories of my life.

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