Sunday, November 8, 2009

Art Education

Art Education in schools............KEEP IT!!!! Art education is something that should be kept in schools, for the simple fact.......some people aspire to be an artist or something that has to do with the art world. I know when I was younger, I wanted to be an architect, because I wanted to design my own when I got to middle school I started taking art classes and continued taking them throughout my high school career. I just think through art you are allowed to express yourself to the matter how you express yourself whether it is through drawing, painting, dancing, writing, it. In school, art education should be a considered a core class. I mean why only have it as an elective, I think art education is something every student should take to learn about the way of art, the reason art is art, what are the types of arts, what is considered to be art, etc.... keep art in the schools. Recently, some schools across the globe are cutting out art classes as well as music classes because they cannot afford the costs of it. Like I think that is the most bizarre thing in the entire world......maybe that is the reason why the generations to come will not be able to do anything but sit at the computer or play video games. Keep art, if not children as we know them won't know what to do with a pencil let alone a marker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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