Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dance is truly a form of art. Dancing is a way expressing how you might be feeling at that point and time. From my experience, I dance for many reasons. My biggest reason for dancing is relieve stress. Dancing gives me that feeling that nothing else in the world matters. There are many reasons on why dance can be considered art. People from all over dance. Whether people dance because it is their passion or if it is apart of their culture, or even if it is what they feel like doing at that time, dance is done globally. It interests me to see how different cultures portray dance movements. For examlpe, belly dancing is common in middle eastern countries. In India, Bollywood dancing is the way the people from that country dance. Bollywood dancing is becoming very popular here in the United States. By me stating this sentence it only lets you know how wide dance is becoming. So Dance, express yourself, it's art.......which makes you an artist.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Bonjour! I'm Deanna, or as everyone else calls me, Dee or Barbie. In my eyes I'm freaking awesome. I'm 19, turning 20 on October 20th.......awesome right??!! So I'm one of six, which are all females, and within that six, it's my twin and I. My second year at UWG, it's growing on me. I have select friends, all of which i can count one hand. haha. I wish to major in Dance, which is my PASSION, in the future, but for now....it's early childhood education. I like children.......sometimes. =) I love food!!!!! It's my second passion. That's about it....for now at least.